
At the center of the Kresko Victorian Garden, Juno stands proudly to survey the elaborate tapestries of flowers, foliage & succulents indicative of the early 1800's landscape design.

Sorry, there's just a little bit of sky and a single whisp of a cloud in this one.

To see more beautiful skies, take a hop over to SkyWatch Friday.


Kirigalpoththa said...

Very nice garden!

Chuck Pefley said...

A small amount of sky works for me -:)

chrome3d said...

Not much of a sky, that´s true, but the dense shrubs certainly make up for it!

Linnea said...

What fantastic colors and textures to compliment that slice of lovely blue sky!

Al said...

Uh humm...my first time to join skywatch, how are you?


Carletta said...

Beautiful composition in this shot!
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Niina said...

That little bit of sky is enough for me! And what a nice garden!

SquirrelQueen said...

That is a lovely garden, just a touch of the sky is enough.

Through Squirrel Eyes

Anonymous said...

lovely capture!